Miami, Florida
How would you like to know that you can show up, every day, at the same time and place and be guaranteed someone to run with, rain or shine? And it was FREE!
Recently I was in Miami attending the Miami Marathon, Florida's fastest growing running festival. Peter Donato finally ticked off another running conquest, running with South Beaches legendary streaker (consecutive days running with no days off), Robert "Raven" Kraft. Some of you may have heard of this interesting personality, who recently celebrated 100,000 miles of a running streak lasting 35 years, and counting. I actually heard about the Raven several years ago on my first visit to the Miami Marathon, which is now a client of our company. A friend who had been to Toronto to work the Scotia Bank Marathon Race Expo invited me to "run with the Raven", but it sounded a bit bizarre. Not knowing this person, and fearing he was kind of a freak, I passed on the invitation.
At the Miami Marathon Race Expo on the Friday, I bumped into a fellow runner from Canada who I had seen countless times at local GTA races. He noticed Jefferson who was with me, tied to the Girl Guides table out front, smart place to sell cookies! He's mentioning the Raven Run and will I be joining? He tells me his nickname is the Sexy Canadian, and I can't disagree. Solid tan, matching and fashionable clothes, cool demeanour about this fellow. I dismiss the offer, again, not wanting to get sucked into anything unusual (!). But now it's exposure number four, they say it takes six or seven often to make a decision.
During my 1/2 marathon run 2 days later, at mile three as we enter South Beach, I pass a familiar looking guy on the side of the road. Dressed in black, shirt open, scraggly and greying hair. He's cheering on the sidelines, and at the very moment I hear a woman shout out, "hey Raven thanks for cheering" and she passes me wearing a Raven Run t-shirt. That wasn't what bothered me....it was not being able to catch up to her to read the back! Now we had posted an article and photo on our site years earlier, so this "Raven" person now has a face, and he even looked familiar to someone I passed at the Expo on the Friday (although I was in Mascot drag so who knows if he saw me).....(:
During my 1/2 marathon run 2 days later, at mile three as we enter South Beach, I pass a familiar looking guy on the side of the road. Dressed in black, shirt open, scraggly and greying hair. He's cheering on the sidelines, and at the very moment I hear a woman shout out, "hey Raven thanks for cheering" and she passes me wearing a Raven Run t-shirt. That wasn't what bothered me....it was not being able to catch up to her to read the back! Now we had posted an article and photo on our site years earlier, so this "Raven" person now has a face, and he even looked familiar to someone I passed at the Expo on the Friday (although I was in Mascot drag so who knows if he saw me).....(:
So there it is again, the Raven....
Monday morning arrives, me very much stiff, sore and barely coherent, tyypical post-race enjoying a mellow breakfast overflowing with eggs, toast and unlimited coffee. The Sexy Canadian passes our table on the sidewalk. Sarah is seated with me, girlfriend and casual runner who just finished a 45-minute run-walk along the beach. Alot of miles for a newbie on vacation (foreshadowing here folks). "Hey Sexy Canadian, over here...join us". It's always great to mingle with fellow Canucks on the road, especially colourful characters like Dave is. We exchange the usual post-run banter, etc. How was your race, what's your "next race"...lol
"No running for me today, in addition to running the 1/2 marathon I also biked to/from the start line, and roller-bladed over an hour at the end of the day. Severely exhausted I am, Sarah too. "Why don't you join me today at 4pm for the Raven Run, then tonite at the Annual Awards Banquet."...enquires the Sexy Canadian.
There's a run AND an Awards Banquet? What and who is this guy? Curiosity finally killed this cat.
Now we have to meet him at least. Sarah and I decide to show up, finally (exposure number seven seals the deal) but JUST to meet him, take a picture, maybe attend the dinner. I bring my roller blades and her bike, we're going to burn off the late lunch, margaritas and Coronas. She has run already, and my legs are trashed. As we wander to the Lifeguard station near 5th Street we have zero interest in actually running. Maybe tomorrow. It's 4:15, we're late and there is no sign of the guy. Another girl wearing a shirt approaches us wandering the sidewalk (lost), comforts us, we're not lost afterall. "Oh he's coming, he is usually late anyway".
We are now on the beach, beautiful sand, water, sun, near naked bodies splayed on the sand. Not a bad choice for a daily run, even 13,000 days consecutively. Pretty soon people show up from all directions, all shapes and sizes, and it's a real friendly, social gathering. Typical run club outing, for starters. 10-12...15 people. Something's happening here. Raven shows up too. All in black....
We are now on the beach, beautiful sand, water, sun, near naked bodies splayed on the sand. Not a bad choice for a daily run, even 13,000 days consecutively. Pretty soon people show up from all directions, all shapes and sizes, and it's a real friendly, social gathering. Typical run club outing, for starters. 10-12...15 people. Something's happening here. Raven shows up too. All in black....
Sexy Canadian is here. Groundhog. Canuck (from Toronto as well). Warrior (massive, strong looking guy who also ran the marathon the day prior). Seems like everyone has an alter ego. Sarah and I get some pictures taken, then he pops the question. "So, are you two running with us?".
"Ah, no, not really...."
And as they say, "the rest of the story" follows on post number two.