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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Whom do we believe?

Here's some interesting inside stuff...

I'm at the Ottawa Marathon, Race Weekend, lots of people, lots of sponsors, running celebrities, "people in the know"..

Frank Shorter is here, in fact he's everywhere...

He'll be joining me and many others on the 2nd annual run and fun vacations Miami Marathon / Caribbean cruise:

I just happened to overhear a conversation with Frank, in case you don't know his background and history, feel free to google his name and read. Despite a stellar career that is un-matched by most modern-day marathoners, Frank seems hell-bent on overturning his 1976 Olympic Silver Medal. East-German athletes were later found to be juiced up BIG TIME at those games, including the Gold Medallist Cierpinski, who "came from nowhere" to capture fame and fortune at select, high-profile races...

A "list" was found from that era of German sport, which including names of many athletes on a diet shall we say of questionable supplementation.

With a legal background, and a sincere interest in cleaning up the sport, albeit with a BIG personal bent, Frank had these comments. The same-day news hit the airwaves surrounding Paula Radcliffe's (women's world record holder) decision to pull-out of the Beijing Olympic Marathon, on the heels of men's #1-ranked Haile Gebrselassie deciding to also pass...

"They're all on EPO, and the extreme heat mixed with this drug use makes for a fatal combo", so with drug-testing being so prevelant it makes sense to back out..

(In those words more or less)

So on race day, at the VIP tent, I am speaking with a well-known running agent (yes, just like major professional sports, there are a few individuals who earn a living helping the world-class runners to scratch an existence out of their passion for the sport)

"Oh, there goes Frank wining and complaining again, he's still so bitter..."

(In those words more or less)

(Of course, this agent represents some of the best runners in the world, and a positive drug test would not be good for business)...):

Which side are you on?