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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Music or no music?

Maybe I am revealing a little too much about my deep self here, but I still refuse to listen to music while I exercise (bike, run, roller-blade)...

I used to, just before I started training in earnest for my first- ever clinic for a marathon in 1995. the instructors were talking about safety and all that, especially since we were a big group (100) and we were running at night (january).

So I put down the sony sports walkman (big, yellow, heavy thing, now used as a door stop) - and started to discover what true serenity, endorphins and loneliness are.


Indoors on a treadmill, now that's another story!

Remember though, this is well before the invention of the MP3 players, the i-pods and all the other gadgets that now go with the sport (business) of running. I still really like to head out the door and see what happens, in my mind of course, and I like to think of solutions to professional and personal problems I might be going thru.

Plus now with a dog on a leash I really need to pay attention, Jefferson, get back here!

The issue has become so prevalant and potentially dangerous (distracting) that many big-city races try to ban the use of ear phones and music as a safety precaution - like that's going to work! You might as well try to ban short skirts and tight tops at a nightclub district..

Maybe though as I get "older" and look for new ways and means to get motivated, I should re-consider this strategy, even if it's just to pump up some music at the beginning, or in the middle when I need a boost...

Music suggestions anyone?
