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Monday, May 2, 2011

streak ends! Sporting Life 10km


Not much of a streak....I renewed my excitement in Boston while spectating, and started a daily commitment to exercise, mostly running for now.  I even put a note in my blackberry calender to remind myself, EVERY DAY, to do something for 45 minutes.  Seemed so easy at the time, just 45 minutes....

I even did a 90-minute Yoga class last week, for the first time in 3 years!   It was torture folks, I always have amazing respect for these limber souls who don't seem to have anything "tight" in their muscles like I do.  My amazing 3-day running streak ended Thursday with a rather bad case of "something" down there (think George Brett circa 1980), luckily it only lasted a few days and it was over the Easter Weekend.  It was worth it though!  I Spent over 7 hours on an old, steel chair at a poker game celebrating my father's 75th birthday, with a bunch of his friends.  Won over $300 on the evening, got to bed at 4 am so my workout would have been pretty bad the next day in any case!

I did manage a rather un-impressive track workout with my 8-year old niece who shot to sudden stardom after her first-ever cross country race (3rd place among 65 girls).  Just before the Sunday family dinner we went to the local high school track, crushed gravel, old time stuff.  That was a day after the Yoga class and a  very slow 15km bike ride with Jefferson and Sarah.

I squeezed a few more runs in with Jefferson including a brisker than normal 9km run after a running talk with the beaches running club.   This was in cotton underwear, track pants and a short sleeve cotton shirt, more old time running!   I ran my first "fast" race since the mascot record run @ the Scotia Marathon last fall, a sub 42:00 10km at Sporting Life, one of the best races in Canada and although an asterisk goes beside your finish time (it's all downhill), it is a great venue for really pushing it all the way.  (which I have not been able to motivate myself to do much the last few years).

Today I am stiff, sore and paying the price for yesterday's run, I managed to actually warm up for the first time @ this event in many years, running from the 1km mark up to start, and doing a little bit of stretching.  The first km was 4minutes, and with a few stops to chat briefly with friends and walk through water stations, it was a pretty good effort.  But, straight to our booth and the madness that ensues for the next 2 hours d 36oes not allow for any cool down, so the next 36hrs will be interesting.

Might need that epsom salt bath or hot tub soon, and definitely a trip to the chiropractor!

Can't wait to see how long I can keep this up!   Now it's time to vote, don't forget yourself if you live in Canada and are reading this, good luck to good friend Peter Fonseca and former 2:11 marathoner, who runs his 3rd campaign but first in Federal Politics.   H faces the Liberal Party equivalent of the Titanic, all bets are off as voters abandon the red ship across the country....