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Monday, July 19, 2010

I am a Tour de France Cyclist

It's interesting what goes through your mind when you are out on a bike....for hours....

In the middle of a 110 km day of training under a windy and intensely hot ride, I arrived at the conclusion that I am an easy roadie to identify with. For five straight years, it seems like I get started on some serious rides around early July, and my cycling peaks in September when the weather is ideal here in Southern Ontario.

If you’re thinking, “fair weather cyclist” you are partially correct, although I find myself getting from A-B year-round in the city on my commuter bike in just about any weather, including icy and snow-covered city streets. I also own a very active dog, Jefferson is a collie mix so it does not matter what the weather brings, he needs exercise....including several hours with me on a bike and he jogging along. In my 4th year of downtown living I have become a true cyclist, saving gas, the environment and building a real firm butt!

My last true holiday also found me riding from Rome to Venice, so clearly I enjoy the long distance variety!

However, it dawned on me this past weekend, that it's the Tour and all the excitement that goes with this race where I start to begin my short, outdoor season in earnest. My road bike stayed out of action when I returned from Italy in mid-October until mid-May, which is terrible I know. I chose not to ride it in Florida partly because of the cold snap (wimp) and because I left all my cycling clothes behind as I hurriedly packed when it was minus-25 and I was itching to hit the highway. (I did bring the trusty commuter bike with me, which I left behind with my brother-in-law).

I can't stand indoor spin classes (claustrophobic), and stationary trainer riding at home was a necessity for the build up to Ironman but the dust has now collected on the trainer. It's actually being put to use as a very expensive door stop, our french doors open to a glamorous view of our neighbour's backyards here in dwtn Queen West.....

Once the cold and windy rain starts in late fall....there goes the Cervelo until the annual winter Florida trip....

Not sure how I break this cycle...maybe tape the Tour and pop in some DVD's to fake me out??

Oh well....maybe a new bike purchase will change this?